Sunday, January 6, 2008

How to lose fat - Know your body type

One of the reasons why you are still struggling to lose body fat is that you are not
aware of your body type. Let's face it when it comes to metabolic and physical
characteristics no two people are created equal. You know already that life is not fair
this is not only true for fat loss but for many other areas in your life as well. However
you should always make the best from it. Losing body fat is not something you can
learn from one single article but however without knowing the basics you won't get
the results that you deserve. Inside this article you discover the three body types and
how it has effect on your metabolism.

1) Ectomorphs
Ectomorphs are tall and skinny; do have long eggs and arms. They also have small
joints and a small waist. Ectomorphs have an excellent metabolism and they can lose
body fat without doing cardio vascular exercises. In fact they can eat as much as they
want without gaining fat. But don't be jealous it is not all glitter and gold for an
ectomorph it is very difficult to gain muscle mass. If you are an ectomorph then it is
recommended that you eat high calorie density foods. Famous examples of
ectomorphs are Brad Pitt and Kate Moss.

2) Mesomorphs
Mesomorphs are genetically gifted because they can eat almost everything they want
and still have a low body fat percentage. Another advantage is that they gain muscle
mass fast with a minimum amount of effort. Despite that they have an genetic
advantage most of them are a little bit lazy and they never exploit their full potential.

3) Endomorphs
Ectomorphs and mesomorphs can almost eat whatever they want but this is definitely
not the case for endomorphs. They have a slow metabolism and they store fat easily.
In fact they have the "disadvantage" that they have to eat clean and healthy all of the
time. An endomorph who wants to lose body fat must do lots and lots of cardio
exercises. Perhaps you are en endomorph and as said before life is not fair. However
you can do two things right now sitting down and saying that it is not fair or you can
take action.


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